Vestas France

“Paragon offers a real turnkey solution – what has really convinced us, is the level of service, responsiveness and speed they operate with. This solution provides us with the flexibility we need to evolve and grow and deliver a successful transition to electric vehicles.” – Vestas France
The company is operating an extensive fleet of service vehicles that is critical for the client to deliver its services obligation to its clients. The company has been named “The most sustainable energy company in the world 2023”. Among others, the management has set a goal to have the entire fleet of electric vehicles electrified by 2025, which is why they launched a call for tender in June 2020.
After first discussions about a deployment on one of their sites in France in mid 2020, an order was placed to us in September and a first Nano Pod with AC chargers was delivered and deployed in 2 months. The Pod has been used to charge the EV fleet of the client and is also opened to the public in certain times of the day. The Pod was specifically branded for the client with colours and logo. Apart from a down-payment fee, Paragon Mobility arranged the financing of the infrastructure by charging a low monthly full service subscription fee. We take care of all maintenance and supervision services and manage the supply of energy and the connection to the grid.
Following a successful first 18 months of operation, in which the client could witness first hand the charging service provided by our Pod against competing alternatives, Paragon was retained by the client to supply more charging infrastructures at several new sites of the client. As part of this increased service footprint, the first Pod was moved to a different site and replaced by a supercharger Pod at the first site to absorb the surge in charging needs at that site.
The achievements to date include close to 10 operational sites, several more coming, and many more in the making. This shows the importance of being able to grow the infrastructure with the needs and demand for it.